
maratimoGallagher Engineering, through many years of involvement in the directional drilling industry is recognised as Australia’s leading designer and  manufacturer of directional drilling machines. Our machines are also recognised world wide for their superior finish and quality workmanship.

Gallagher Engineering is a owned and operated business since 1994.  Richard Gallagher established  Gallagher Engineering in 1994 .  Richard,  has over 25 years as  a qualified fitter/machinist, certificate 4 in engineering  designing using both solid works  & Auto Cad bringing extensive experience in the drilling industry to the company.

For two years Gallagher Engineering operated Gallagher Drilling which was involved in directional drilling for communication work. This has given them valuable on-site experience which has contributed greatly to the construction of the highest quality HDD’s in Australia today.

Gallagher Engineering are the only company in Australia today who possess the experience, design capabilities and talent to construct the most efficient, the most powerful and for the end user the most productive machines where trenchless technology is needed.

Gallagher Engineering have built a variety of both HDD & Vertical drilling rigs ranging from 20,000 lbs to 660,000 lbs.
Richard is keen to be an integral part of their client’s on-going success and welcome the opportunity to adapt his innovative solutions and design talents to their client’s challenges.